AOHell 95 v3.0
AOHell 95 v3.0 Beta 5
AOHell v3.0 Rage Against The Machine by Da Chronic
For the last year, America Online has fought a freely-distributed program called AOHell, which allows would-be hackers unlimited free access to the system–in part, by exploiting AOL’s free trial disks.
The program provides powerful add-ons to AOL software, but also exploits bugs in AOL’s system to allow high-tech harrassing of users in chat rooms and via e-mail. In the documentation for AOHell, its creator explains why he wrote the program and its connection to AOL’s hypocritical stance on child pornography.
*******AOHell v3.0 Rage Against The Machine*******
Da Chronic
Part I ——————- What is AOHell?
Part II ——————- The features in AOHell v3.0
Part III ——————- Is it safe to use AOHell?
Part IV ——————- Why I made AOHell
Cow Pasture #2
FuCkeRH0sT: *** You are in “Cow Pasture”. ***
HoSSxMaN8: Hello all.
ZzzZvvVVVv: Hey HoSSxMan!!
Guide KJL: Zzzz…I don’t know about that…
FuCkeRH0sT: KiLL4SSA1 has entered the room.
Guide KJL: it’s not my department.
ZzzZvvVVVv: Do ya’ll really meet in WhoviIIi?
HoSSxMaN8: Who has a gateway?
Guide KJL: Pomp…cuz we like this room!
WwABBawW: guide you can TOS some1 yourself right?
HoSSxMaN8: What about Padde Ceii
FuCkeRH0sT: BaLLa r0x has entered the room.
ZzzZvvVVVv: becuase there were so many people in here before
HoSSxMaN8: BaLLa..SuP
Prog Password List
Acid Burn: (one of these) PiXY RuLEz You! or upsidedown or03/17/96
Agent Orange Tosser: I Crap On Lamers ivan is a fairymaxuck
Anti-mass mailer: bud is blah
AoAbortion Tos: Fuck TeRRoR, FAC: KK
AoAbortion FAC: KK
AoAkira: GrEEn DaY
AoAsting: BuBBa , Ugh(AsTiGMaX), John(Prez), AsTiG RuLeZ(member)
AoBliss Tosser: Welcome to the wonderful world of Bliss
AoBomer v1 b1 bot scare: YoUsUck
Aobomer v1 b1 tos: Only TOS LamerZ
AoBomer v1 b2: TOS ALL LAMERZ
AoBomer v1 b3: ALL LAMERZ DIE!
More Warez Rooms
Sup, This is One of UpA’s Ajoint Prezes ReApEr and i know your ass is tired of the same old ass WaReZ RooMz. Well i was too so i decided to find just about ever WaReZ RooM that i could and i did a DaM good Job doing it.
Befor i give you the list i am gonna tell you what UpA stands for
UpA = United Piraters Alliance.
Now here is the list of all the WaReZ RooMz i know of
WaReZ RooMz FRoM A-Z
Inside Warez Part 1
Subj: Fwd: º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 1)^º^º
Date: 97-07-27 15:21:53 EDT
From: SPYER2000
To: BeAwareX1
Forwarded Message:
Subj: º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 1)^º^º
Date: 97-07-27 14:35:28 EDT
From: BuBBLe HoP
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