[[[[{{{{(((( WaReZ RoOmZ ))))}}}}]]]]

(((((¥«§»Keepin da WaReZ phree«§»¥)))))

  1. FREESHIT ( thats an L not an I ) This room will open July 31 at 4:00 East Coast
  2. IVIXIVI ( look like MXM???)
  3. UPSS
  4. MM
  5. Zeraw
  6. VvaReZ
  7. Moose
  8. Games
  9. Server
  10. Phish
  11. POA
  12. HoAOL
  13. TCT
  14. Glass
  15. Sleep
  16. AVI
  17. Fate
  18. Freestuff
  19. Fuck
  20. proggie
  21. trade
  22. Passwords
  23. Havok
  24. AOLsuX
  25. war
  26. phuck
  27. AOHell
  28. Kill
  29. AOLhelp
  30. hell
  31. fire
  32. flood
  33. chaos
  34. owa
  35. anarchy
  36. carkill
  37. catfree
  38. doom
  39. final
  40. freeprogs
  41. hotice
  42. MP3 <——–trades MuZiC
  43. AuDiO <——–trades MuZiC
  44. mxm <——–closed
  45. Mass Mail <——–closed
  46. WaReZ <——–closed
  47. Freeshit <——–closed
  48. coldice <——–closed
  49. Tequillabug <——–isn’t used anymore
  50. hotice <——–isn’t used anymore


  1. Andrew

    I remember when I was visiting “Server” under they banned that room, and then moved to cerver. That was my goto private room until I stopped going on AOL as much. Good times though 🙂

    I still remember the whole deal of fate and fatezero and the fallout of fungii and magus. Maaan, I got all into collecting all the different fate progz, even the fake ones… and even had a “letter” of some sort about the fallout between Magus and Fungii. It’s a shame how nothing solid came from them after fateX but still the FateZero progs were good, esp the massmailer since I used it.

  2. chipthamac

    AH man!!! I still remember those progs too! I always wonder what happened to MaGuS and Fungii… Massmailers were fun as heck back in the day!

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