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Exploits Online by Tau

Exploits Online by Tau


Welcome to Tau’s AOL Exploits site. Here you will find up to date information on the great things you can do on AOL that are not officially supported by AOL along with other online goodies.

With so many people on AOL with so many people trying to more AOL exploits I encourage all of you to send me your screen shots, e-mails, or Instant Messages having to do with anything funny, interesting, or plain stupid. All credit will be given to you., possibly the last of the great AOL programming websites, has closed down. This is probably for the best, since it hadn’t had any new content in years. In fact, I was actually a little shocked that the site lasted so long. For those of you who don’t know, DarcFX was known for being the site the succeeded after it closed down. KnK4Life was…


Old website I found; basically bashing on AOLers.  Created by Chaos. You can view it here