Chronx.bas v3.0

Chronx.bas v3.0

'Chronx.bas v3.0 by Chron__x ' *32 BIT* 'Coded in Visual Basic 6.0 Pro. For use with AOL 4.0 'Aim- iichronx 'Email- 'Webpage- Http:// ' **Chat Ocx Coming Soon** 'I need help with the name for it, if you can think of one please tell me and you will be put in the greets


'RushOneRok CD Player BAS 'Version 1.0 'Made in VB5 'Email: ' 'This module controls the windows 95/98 cd 'player and volume control. To control 'volume correctly though, every control in 'the volume program must be checked or 'else you'll try turning up the CD volume 'and it'll turn up like the MIDI volume. 'Aight Check it out. If you get any 'problems or want…


'Hey, thanx for using(or checking) my bas for botz that 'would be used for AOL 4.o. About half a week went into 'making this so maybe a couple subs won't work. But i fixed 'a lot of mistakes that were on my previous version. I made 1 'prog for AOL4.o called Sting Anti Punter. Itz for my own 'personal use so I won't send it…


'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' AxisAutoUp32.bas made simple by ' ' axis ' '************************************* ' mail * ' * ' visit my site and vote!!!!! * ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Abbot AIM V2.0 bas

'abbot aim v2.0 'by abbot ' '1-2-00 ' 'for aim 2 and up 'completely compatible with 'version 2 through 3.5 (i think) 'only versions i had to test with were '2, 3, and 3.5 ' 'I will probably be releasing another version with more stuff 'In a few days, so be looking for that ' 'shout outs: ' 'Very special thanks to Quirk. I've known…


AbbotAIM v1 for use with AIM v 2.0.741 Sup everybody????? So I guess you're gonna make an AIM program have fun!!!! Programming for AIM is very easy! If you use this all I want is that you give me some credit in your prog If you have any questions you can mail me: ' GREETZ & SHOUT OUTZ: prophecy Soulsnyper CldPhuSiON MindSt0rmz MenaceNYC 'IIITRUlll NoLiSoJa1…