

Found an old website from Olaf through Archive.Org a lot of the data is gone but most of the news stories are still available. Website URL:  http://olaf.punted.net Wednesday/July/18/2001 – – puntme  hi…

Website : Jakez.net

Website : Jakez.net

    About Jakez Name: Jason Handle: Jakez Age: 16 Løcatiøn: Orlando, FL Høbbies: Billiards(#1 in a league of 30+ adults), Programming, Webdesign, Art, Bikes Vb prøgrams made(in order): Jakez scroller(Scroller),…

Website: 3char.org

3char was an idea concocted by Kenton and Pacman a few weeks ago while on a phone conference with Mage and some others.  Everyone on the conference was saying “3CHAR!”…