Inside Warez Part 1

Subj:      Fwd: º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 1)^º^º

Date:      97-07-27 15:21:53 EDT

From:     SPYER2000

To:          BeAwareX1



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Subj:      º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 1)^º^º

Date:      97-07-27 14:35:28 EDT

From:     BuBBLe HoP


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«–¥(This one is Dedicated to TaSHa, BaNiCKuLa’s True Love!)¥–»

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Subj:      º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 1)^º^º

Date:      97-07-23 22:18:12 EDT

From:     Dfghdfgj

To:          BuBBLe HoP



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Subj:      Fwd: º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 1)^º^º

Date:      97-07-23 19:47:48 EDT

From:     ODAWG 33

To:          Dfghdfgj



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Subj:      º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 1)^º^º

Date:      97-07-20 20:32:18 EDT

From:     Woody32

To:          BlueRose27, ODAWG 33, Geewiz911



Forwarded Message:

Subj:      º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 1)^º^º

Date:      97-07-20 06:10:41 EDT

From:     Woody32

To:          Woody32,


______________________    _________________________®

InSide WaReZ



This weeks featured interview is with the talented progger, Icarus.


Plus, a top 5 list of best proggies! And how to get them.



Also: If you are a programmer and you want to be interviewed  or if you would just like to report anything feel free to e-mail the group! We appreciate any mailz we get from the WaReZ community! To e-mail us go to the section ISW News Crew for links! And soon to come is our web site!! There you can find past issues of ISW or chat in the chat room!



Index of IWS issue #2

Introduction……………………………………………………………….    1.

The News Crew ………………………………………………………….  2.

READ THIS FIRST!………………………………………………………..  3.

AOL Prog Virus Report……………………………………………….  4.

ISW Fan Club!!……………………………………………………………..   5.

This weeks featured interview …………………………………   6.

CatWatch Report………………………………………………………….  7.

List O’ Rooms……………………………………………………………..   8.

All new WaReZ Groups……………………………………………….   9

Tips & Trix…………………………………………………………………..  10.

WaReZ FuNNiEs……………………………………………………………   11.

Q & A (Questions & Answers)……………………………………   12.

Top 5 best proggies……………………………………………………  13.

Phree <>< from MiKMos!!……………………………………………  14.

WaReZ of the Week…………………………………………………….   15.

Get JaWarez!! ……………………………………………………………..   16.

About InSide WaReZ……………………………………………………   17.




Introduction                                                (1)


InSide WaRez is a great new way to get your news on warez, new groups, new rooms, whats HOT!, WHaTs NoT, and anything else!! Find out where to get all the best MMs, or where to get your favorite prog! We here at InSide WaReZ work and getting the BEST for you!! So stay in da’ scene and get ya free issues of InSide WaReZ for FREE!!! If you would like to get on ISW’s free E-mailing list to get your free issue all the time right when it gets published    e-mail us with the subject of Add to mailing list.



The News Crew                                         (2)


Right now we are accepting members for InSide WaReZ!! Just to let you know what u are getting into when u join, you’ll have to get the TOP WaReZ news and perform amazing interviews with famous proggers and set up surveys!! If you think you could just easily whizz by with this incredible info. then we need you!! All you have to do is e-mail us!! Down below just click on one of the members and he/she will get with ya and you will be having so much phun u won’t believe its with InSide WaReZ!


-~ó InSide WaReZ Crew ó-~


-~ó Bubble ó-~

-~ó O Dawg ó-~

-~ó MikMo ó-~

-~ó CooLKG ó-~

-~ó Griff ó-~

-~ó I3uRn ó-~

-~ó ChoMp ó-~

-~ó Minnie ó-~

-~ó RaZoR ó-~

-~ó Swish ó-~




READ THIS FIRST                                    (3)


Last week we had a problem and some TOSed ISW . We will keep the name unknown. But since this has happened, we here at ISW feel that we can not distribute ISW like we used to. We are now keeping a LOW profile and if any of you need to contact ISW E-Mail us Here. If these problems persist we will have to require you to fill out ISW’s form to further continue your subcription with ISW. We are sorry we have to do this but if LAMERS like the one. I just wanna say one thing to the LAMER that sent a copy of ISW to TOSEmail, because of you. AOL knows about ALL of our WaReZ Rooms listed in ISW. So I hope you’re proud of yourself!


Also If you are the prez of a WaReZ group and you want to advertise on InSide WaReZ we would be glad to help your new group out! Just e-mail us.




AOL Prog Virus Report                              (4)


SuP! This is Bubble with a virus report. Its been said that Chocolate X Punter by TWiX is a virus. After 50 uses (some say 20) it activates the virus. I don’t know if this is true but I would be safe and delete the Punter every 20 uses. And TWiX, if you’re out there. I mean NO disrespect. I’m just saying what has been told to  me!




Fan Club!!                                                   (5)


Thats right! ISW now has a fan club!! Every week Fan Club members get a sneek peek at whats to come on the next issue! Even before it comes out!! Plus, all Fan Club members get there names listed on ISW. To join e-mail us with the subject as Join FanClub. Also the ISW fan club gets on new group MMs!! Exciting huh?


-~ó ISW Fan Club ó-~






This weeks featured Interview                       (6)


This weeks interview was with one of my friends Icarus. Hes a very talented programmer and hes been programming for 3 years! His latest prog is     Utopia X, and if you want a copy e-mail me or Icarus. Now below is the interview I took with Icarus on 7/11/97. So check out what he had to say


-Note- For safety precautions, the names in this interview have been edited.


(Bubble):               Hi Icarus!

(Bubble):               hows it goin?

lCaruS:  Hi.

lCaRuS: Everything is great

(Bubble):               Kewl! So what is your real name?

lCaRuS: Erik.

(Bubble):               Kewl. How old are you Erik?

lCaRuS: 13 … One of the young programers around.

(Bubble):               WoW! Thats great. How long have you been programming?

lCaRuS: I have been programing fer about 2 years now..

(Bubble):               Kewl! So when did you start making Utopia?

lCaRuS: I started to make Utopia X about a month and a half.. after I finished a unsucessful program- Scroller X.

(Bubble):               Oh, did you ever release Scroller X?

lCaRuS: Yes, I released Scroller X – BUT only 5 or 6 people downloaded it.

(Bubble):               Oh, thats to bad. Did you ever program any other progs like Utopia X?

lCaRuS: I made the following programs- CATKiLLa 97 and CATKiLLa GOLD, I also made THE Icarus Scroller.

(Bubble):               Kewl… So do you think Utopia X is your best prog yet?

lCaRuS: It is the best program I have ever made… and I think it will be very popular.

(Bubble):               I’ll cut that out in IWS

(Bubble):               Yeah, me too. So what do you use to program?

lCaRuS: I use Visual Basic to program.. I wanted to program with it ever since AOHell came out.

(Bubble):               Oh. Do you think you will program another Utopia X and if so when?

lCaRuS: I am planing to make Utopia X 1.3 and it won’t be out for a month or so.

(Bubble):               Well, I can’t wait for it to come out! How do you wish the WaReZ community to react to you new progs Utopia X and soon to come Utopia X 1.3?

lCaRuS: I want them to use these programs to help them and I want them to know me as a great programer.

(Bubble):               Well Erik, I would like to than you for taking the time to talk to IWS and I hope your new prog is successfull!!

lCaRuS: Thank You.

(Bubble):               Well, I’ll talk to you later Erik.

lCaRuS: Okay.



It was real phun interviewing Icarus and if you want to contact Icarus to see his newest prog (Utopia X) then E-Mail him at

lCaRuS. PeaCe out U ISW fans! 😉





CatWatch Report                                            (7)


CatWatch where seen at Moose a few days ago so be careful MMing there or requestion WaReZ. Also GuTeRiZCaT likes to hang out in Moose PoA and Fate. So I suggest you check out the newest rooms HoA and JaW or the others. Both of these new rooms are from the groups HoA and JaW. If you have any reports of catwatch just chillin in da WaReZ rooms tell us and you could be on ISW!

Also, I would like to thank FunkyPunk for this info. anyone with the SN IMGUARD or IMGUARD1…2…3… are guides too. Watch out!! AOL is CRRAAZY these days!!

And, I was just chilling in Havok last night (7/19/97) and all of a suddend KATWatch81 popped in and said they where cloing down Havok!! I was like, what the fuck!! And I know that AOL restricts names with Watch now… even V V atch. So watch out!! Also, if Havok gets busted then meet in group rooms and make new warez room. Just remember, KEEP DA’ WAREZ KICKIN! IN DA 97′!




List o’ WaReZ RooMz                                      (8)


Here are the best livest rooms avalible right now. So check them out and see what ya think.























Mass Mail  -BUSTED-



Phree Shit

Free stuff












!All New!






Phuck AOL

AOL Help






All New WaReZ Groups                                  (9)


This week, there are 2 new WaReZ groups out here to serve you right! They are ……………………………………………………….

Krazy Kewl




Best Proggie Survey                                   (10)


There where 2 progs picked out for each topic and 10 people for each topic. So here are the results of the Survey.



Turbo iCe DRoP – got 4 votes out of 10

TRuaMaTiZeD² MMer – got 6 votes out of 10


Queso Server 3.0 – got 7 votes out of 10

Soylent Green Server – got 3 votes out of 10

All Purpose Progs

Havok Final – got 6 votes out of 10

Fate X³ – 4 votes out of 10



Well there ya have it folks! Now you know what WaReZ regulars like the most! Most of the WaReZ surveyed is avalible so e-mail us for your requests.





Since ISW is so large in content, we have to continued this issue in a different mail. Hopefully you have the continued mail, along with the first mail.


To Be Continued _____




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