Inside Warez Part #2

Subj:      Fwd: º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 2)^º^º

Date:      97-07-27 15:22:40 EDT

From:     SPYER2000

To:          BeAwareX1



Forwarded Message:

Subj:      º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 2)^º^º

Date:      97-07-27 14:36:05 EDT

From:     BuBBLe HoP


«–¥(TRauMaTiZeD MassMailer²·º ßy: ßaNiCKuLa)¥–»

«–¥(This one is Dedicated to TaSHa, BaNiCKuLa’s True Love!)¥–»

«–¥(This Mail took 17.41797 Seconds to send)¥–»

«–¥(There are 69 out of 73 people on the MM)¥–»

«–¥(There have been: 0 Un-Retrievable Mails on This MM)¥–»

«–¥(This is Mail Number: 7 of  19 Mails)¥–»


Forwarded Message:

Subj:      º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 2)^º^º

Date:      97-07-23 22:18:51 EDT

From:     Dfghdfgj

To:          BuBBLe HoP



Forwarded Message:

Subj:      Fwd: º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 2)^º^º

Date:      97-07-23 19:49:09 EDT

From:     ODAWG 33

To:          Dfghdfgj



Forwarded Message:

Subj:      º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 2)^º^º

Date:      97-07-20 20:33:00 EDT

From:     Woody32

To:          BlueRose27, ODAWG 33, Geewiz911



Forwarded Message:

Subj:      º^º^( InSide WaReZ Issue #2 (Part 2)^º^º

Date:      97-07-20 06:11:11 EDT

From:     Woody32

To:          Woody32,


______________________    _________________________®

InSide WaReZ


ISW Continued mail…. this is part 2 of issue #2. If you did not get part one please E-Mail us.



Tips & Trix                                                    (11)


Tips & Trix is for both Amature and Elite AOL users. If you have any kewl tips or trix then e-mail us!


IM Trix

Blank IMs- my friend Crash taught me how to do this , type A HREF inside two of these < >. If you do if right it will IM the person but it wil be blank. and if you are in the middle of a IM and you do it you can’t IM them back unless you open a new IM. KewL Huh?

IMs ON- send a IM to $IM_ON and type anything. Click send.

IMs Off- send a IM to $IM-OFF and type anything. Click send.

Mail Trix

The blinking mail- my friend Crash also taught me how to do this one!! The more you want your colors to change the longer it take. All you do is open up a compose mail. Type anything and make the background any color. Now send it to your self. Check you mail and open up the mail u sent to your self. Now press forward, and change the background a different color in the empty space. Now send it to your self again. Now open the mail again, and it should change colors 2 times! Do it again and again to get a kewl lil’ mail.


Ghosting- my friend crash taught me this too!! By now you must think crash is a kewl dood right? He is. Ghosting is when AOL users can’t IM you because it says you aren’t online. I HATE when people ghost and try to talk to me!

Step #1. Sign off AOL and setup a flashsession to send mail.

Step #2. Write a quick little mail to anyone and click send later.

Step #3. Sign on to AOL and wait till it gets to “talking to network” and click


Step #4. Sign on to AOL again. Now you da’ ghost! Now you can bug you

friends and piss them off!!


-Bubble & Crash’s help-



WaReZ FuNNiEs                              (12)



Yo Mama

Yo mama’s breath stinks so bad, people look forward to her farts.

Yo Mama is so stupid, she bought a solar powered flashlight!

I saw your mama shopping the other day, so I told her to get out of my garbage can!



One day a blonde goes up to a soda machine. She

puts in some money and a soda comes out.

She gets really excited and started to put more

money into the machine. The more and more she

did it, the more the sodas came out.

Someone walked up to her and asked her if they

could get a soda.

The blonde said, “Get out of my face, I’m




Your butt is so tight, when you fart only the dogs can hear it.

Chomp & Burn



Questions & Answers                                   (13)


Luckily we didn’t have any questions or answers. HEY NOW!! Don’t get me wrong, we are glad to answer any questions! So if you have any e-mail us here at ISW.



Phree Phish from MikMo                               (14)


Thats right!! Believe it or not every week there is

a phree phish give a way!! Below is a phish. This is phish it not for LaMeRs to use and change the password. Doing this would be like a instant phish loser. When u do this the user calls up AOL and they delete there account and your phish is now dead! So be smart with this. and everyone who gets this mail will try to use this so wait your turn!!!


SN:  Stkyvicki

PW:  Vick




SN:  Leopardtoo

PW:  Klos95


If any of the phish featured in ISW do not work please e-mail any ISW and they will help you out.





Warez of the week                                         (15)


The WaReZ of the week of 7/13/97 is


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………   ººJuno Free E-mailºº    ………………………………………….



Juno free e-mail is just awesome! Its totally free e-mail! The only reason its free is because they get paid for advertisments. That  means if they advertise for a company or product the the company will pay Juno to do this. If you want a copy then e-mail us and we will try our best to get you a copy. Last weeks WaReZ was TRuaMaTiZeD² MMer and we weren’t able to get it for a few people. So if you could just download Juno from the site, Click Here . Or if you realy just wanna get you quality Juno WaReZ then e-mail us.




Get JaWarez!! Get JaWarez!!              (16)


If you would like to get a new MM tagged exclusivly by the new group J.a.W. then just e-mail Bubble. Or if you just want to request some kewl WaReZ then e-mail Bubble!!




About InSide WaReZ                                   (17)


Inside WaReZ is a phun new way to get info. about all the new progs, new groups, new rooms, info. about guides. And just to see whats going on! InSide WaReZ is totally new and If you want info. about joining e-mail one of the members on the News Crew!




All of this information in the ISW Issue is clearly meant as a joke and was gotten from other people from AOL that forced us to write this down and send it out. We are not responsible for any actions taken by any other members! This was meant  only for entertainment purposes and for laughter because it was a joke!



CopyRight © 97

ISW® Productions

Articles May Not be

Reporduced without

Persomission of ISW®

News Crew



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