Virus TXTs · November 3, 2014 0

KeyLog95 [Read Me]

KEYLOG95.EXE is a WINDOWS95 version of keylogwn.exe. It is virtually Identical except

that it records the strokes into a file called c:\win\logx. It is perfect for hacking especially

in newer computers with windows 95 that do not contain a C:\dos directory. The only thing that

one would have to do is create a directory called c:\win.

History files are retained with the time and date encoded in the name,

for example, 10301125.94W would be a history file created at 10:30 AM on Nov.

25, 1994. When first run, KEYLOG95.EXE will create the logx directory on C:,

if it doesn’t already exist. The user should take care to erase history files

when no longer needed since these files will contain a record of ALL ascii keystrokes,

even if the application intentionally does not echo them to the screen. Please distribute

this freely.


The program comes with four files. The VBRUN300.DLL should be copied to

the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Also the QPRO200.DLL should be placed in the

\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. You are reading the KEYLOG95.DOC file now. The

KEYLOG95.EXE program can be installed by going to WINDOWS SETUP and

setting up this specific application (KEYLOG95.EXE). Unzip the KEYLOG95.ZIP

file and create a directory on the hard drive for them. Then copy QPRO200.DLL

to the \WINDOWS\SYSEM directory. Windows will generate an icon for KEYLOG95

when installed with the WINDOWS SETUP program in the MAIN folder. The user

should then move the icon to the windows STARTUP folder and set the

properties to RUN MINIMIZED. In this manner, whenever WINDOWS is started,

the keystroke recorder will automatically be initialized.


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IRC# hacking!!