Acid Burn: (one of these) PiXY RuLEz You! or upsidedown or03/17/96
Agent Orange Tosser: I Crap On Lamers ivan is a fairymaxuck
Anti-mass mailer: bud is blah
AoAbortion Tos: Fuck TeRRoR, FAC: KK
AoAbortion FAC: KK
AoAkira: GrEEn DaY
AoAsting: BuBBa , Ugh(AsTiGMaX), John(Prez), AsTiG RuLeZ(member)
AoBliss Tosser: Welcome to the wonderful world of Bliss
AoBomer v1 b1 bot scare: YoUsUck
Aobomer v1 b1 tos: Only TOS LamerZ
AoBomer v1 b2: TOS ALL LAMERZ
AoBomer v1 b3: ALL LAMERZ DIE!
AoBomer96: (this proggies is a virus)
AoChump: SPiNAL KiX
AoControl: Skyway rpo (<— rumour, try it)
AoCool: (there is no right password, this program is a virus!!!!)
AoCrash tos: CrAsH and BurN
AoCrash FAC: ……….AoCrAsH………. (10 on each side)
AoCursed: (stealth virus, norton won’t be able to detect)
AoDelf Tosser: Bow B4 the BoSS,or enter any Password,then when you go into the programm goto about and get all the features
AoDemon v1: exit light enter night
AoDestiny: DeSTiNY!
AoDestiny personal pw: off
AoDestiny Tos: whammi
AoDirt: BoW 2 MaTT (rumors are that it is a virus, maybe)Phischer—> Generator:Matt is king
AoDirt FAC: i Bow B4 SkiTzO
AoDiRT Phiser Generator: Matt is king
AoDirth: (just dbl clik on black part of intro screen then dbl clik on very bottom right corner of pw screen)
AoDragon: KeWl!
AoDuhg: Dugh is Able
AoExtascy: BoW 2 MaTT
AoExtascy Phisher: Matt is king
AoFuck: 1) “PiXY RuLEZ!” 2) “WaNG DanG” 3) JeREmYe RuLEz!”
AoFunk’s Options: Funk AOL
AoGone FAC: I know the prefix
AoGone Tos: 1) TOS that Lamer!!! 2) I am not lame
AOL Guide: sniper (get it wrong….virus)
AoHades v3.5: Cyber’s World
AoHawk: AzN is Da BoMb (real)
AoHell96: (it’s a virus donot run!!!!!!)
AoIce: …Iceman rulez AOL
AoInfo: Virus fucked up youre computer!!!!!!!
AoInsanity: nin,leaf,happy,anarchy,happy,aol
AoInsanity Tosser: mac sucks
AoInsaniy FAC: down with religion
AoJimmy: Jimmy
AoKilla: (has aids2 virus….beware!!!!)
AoKrusher: Vanessa
AoKrusher96 b2 FAC: AoKRuSHeR iZ Da SHiT
AoLame: Kewl dOOd
AoLame Tos: TOS da LAMER
AoLames’s Room Destroyer: AOLaMe RoX! (type it wrong, and it will fuck u)
AoLSD: (it release a virus on its 26th use)
AoLucifer: Password
AoMD:Oslo, Password Cracker:K-Rad, Gold:Botch
AoMike&Dave: Oslo
AoMike&Dave Password Cracker: K-Rad
AoMike&Dave Gold: Botch
AoMisc: MaXeLL
AoMorph: (do not use…..deletes your whole hd…..)
AoNgger: I hate all nigers
AoNirvana: boognish
AoNitro: Lee and Rage
AoOnfire: ivan is a fairy
AoPassword: RIP TUPAC
AoPussy v1.0:13245
AoPussy (for 3.0): (BEWARE!!!!!!! AoPussy 3.0 iz infected with two Viruses)
AoRage Tos: *RAGE*
AoRage Phake Account Maker: *we are all alike*
AoSabre: KNiGHT KiX
AoSabre v2 b4: KNIGHT RULES U
AoSabre (Macros): HoTCLaMCHowDa
AoSniper; Da BomB
AoStr8: let me in
AoStoned: 1800666
AoStorm3.0: Lynch Mob Blue Murder Kaptain Krunch KaOs iz Kewl
AoSupra: 5119126
AoTips: I want to see the TiPS
AoUltimate: Clock, Dynomite, House, AOL, Happy Face
AoUltimate Tos: computer
AoWax: zaskar
AoWuTang: (drag the blow torch icon over the lock)
AoWuTang Fuck u Tosser ( comes with wutang2): Fuck Yor AOL
AoX-treme: Click twice on 1, once on 2 , once one 1 then Sign on,
Account Generator: fake account,TOSer&TOSbot:america
online TOS= LooP
Aqua Zone v2: KingMIke
Area 51 Tosser v1: WoRM RoX
Area 51 Tosser v2.5: gtworm button #11
AsTiG: Lock and load
Aztec: 3289# Dial
Balla’s FAC: BaLLaiZurGoD
Balla’s Phisher: BaLLa RuLeS!!
Balla’s Phisher SE: BaLLa fux da twins!
Blaster Toser: GzAizGod
Bloodlusts Account Creator: I Bow B4 SkiTzO, 1st PW=Uderground 2nd=Hackers
Bluntsmoka 2: are u a bLunTSm0kA 2??
Bluntsmoka 2 prefix: splif er bLunT?
Bonez1.0 beta 5: Bandits
Bonez1.0 beta 6: AOL Sux Shit
Bonez1.0 final: BoneZ Sucks!
Bong Tosser: Praise Da BoNG or PaWn Kicken 96
Brody’s Account Generator: 1) Fuck You Evil’s 2) Brodyman
Cannon Blaster Tosser: GzAizGoD
CaToSer: CaT RoX
Color Tosser: Playa (click on the “I’m not racist” button)
Coolio’s FAC: BoW B4 DoG BiGDoG
Corruption Tosser v1.5: DIE
Crypt: DTXA83A
Crypt Acme Info: AcMe FoReVeR (contails all pws to proggie)FAC:ELiTe,elite Pisher : WaReZ mail , pisher: Mail Pish
Da Shit: PLuZ
Darkside of Aol: The Darkside is my side
Dbomb: (virus if wrong)
Dead Fish Tosser: SMURFZ RULE
Defend Tosser: ummm…let me in
Dimension 7: LithiUm
Dogg Pound Tosser: BoW B4 BiGDoG
eJect-A-Tos: smoke ‘EM
Exorcist: 2000
Exorcist (Secret Area): 1984
EZ Tos: 548 ENTER, FAC:4013 , FAC: 2:***it’s So Easy***
Fate X 12.0 ( A Virus do not run)
Foe RHiL: FoE RHiL BeTcH
Forks Tools: HELL
FoRx Toolz 2000: Hell(serial #-> FoRk-110–11-00)
FumFac Fake Account Generator: JizzMop
Generation X Tosser: TaLoN
Genocide: BACONBY
Graveyard: TONY
Ground Zero Tosser: Your Empty Future Awaits (X in Blue, Purple, Yellow squares)
Guide Aol: sniper
Guide 95: (fake program, no corret pw)
Happy Tosser: BKaLLDaY!
Harrass Tosser: (click on icons in this order: 1 3 2 4 )
Hate 2 the Aol: Enter iLL
Hava’s Enforcer v1.0: Kaboom
Hava’s Enforcer v3.0: *666*
Holocaust v1.5: J4 RULZ
HukT OnlinE : ReCogNiTa
Inc Phisher: BaLLa iZ a GoD!
Inertia v1: I Hate Lamerz
Judge Tos Bot: MaSTa JC rules all!
Kashmir v.09: Groups suck
K-Toser2: tosgeneral
Lamer-free zone: tips sips cufk
Laz Tos v2.0: print
Laz Tos: LaZaRuS Wants To Become a Senior
Lotto Tosser: Happy Daze
Magik Online Tosser: Outlaw
Menace II Aol: ‘Ol Dirty Basterd (get it wrong….virus)
The NBHZ!! v1.0 Tos: Open Sesame
Newhade: Cyber’s World
Nightmare v1.0: 43861
Nightmare v1.0 fac: Sponge Monkey
Nightmare v1.0 tos: Pork N Beans
Nitric Acid: SGXNiTRo
Non-Lame: 23-26-0
Now Toolz: MOoSe
OH KW: TOSer Has Terminated
Penetrate: AOL Penertration Time
Pentagon v1.0 Tosser: 424364
Piss on Aol: MiNd N CoDe
Pixy Gen (serial #): 12-3228-8007-263-PiXY-efkj384
Predador: packers
PwP Tosser: PwP KiX Ass
Punky Tosser: FindWindow
QEMM8: 000-18A-40708
Rampage v1.0: OKIDATA
Rampage v2.0: …………………………………….&HWDAS….. (43 dots, then &HWDAS,then 5 more dots)
Razor’s Tosser: RaZoR ToX Da WeRLD
Real OH: Rukes ALL (possible virus)
Real X-treme : Loop
RedKing Phisher: Andrea Sux
Reflex: BOMBS
RHiL: FoE RHiL BeTcH (hit either E, I, L, or N)
Rhymea FAC: MiRaGe RoX!!!
Rippclaw (new stuff): CHARON RULES
Rippclaw Toser: PRINCESS IS KEWL
Ridah’s Insta Tossa: BluE RiDaH
Scope Tos: the password
Secret Service Tosser: LaZy
Shaft fac: America Online
Skamz v1: 831
Skamz v2: 831-637
Skeptic MMer (serial #): 828-SkePTiC MMer-828
Skitzo: 8769
The newest Skitzo: Visa
Skitzo that comes with AoDirt: i Bow B4 SkiTzO
Skitzo’a New Account Generator: 8769
Snake50: Password
Snake’s Prog:Realm of The Snake
Sniper’s Tosser: All eyes on me
Stormfront beta3 tos: IDFKA
Stormfront beta3 fakes: ORANGE PEPPER
Stormfront beta4: 2nd button three times, third button twice, the i got this
StormFront’s Toser: theENDisnear
Stormfront4 b1: button 4 TWICE, button 5 TWICE, then click on I
Sumbdy’s Tosser: Bastard 4 life!
Super Mad Cow v2.0 Tos: TOS COW (pw for all the stuff is 5051#)
Super Mad Cow v3.0 Pw Finder 1590#,Secret Area 1350#,TOSer 1650#, 5150
Tekno Tosser v1.0: PeaceOut
Tekno Tosser v2.0: RaveTilDawn
Tekno Tosser v3.0: UPS Rox
Tekno Tosser v4.0: WarezGirlz
The-NBHZ!!v1.0 TOS: Open Sesame, rooms: OH Rom
TOSHELL: bow b4 skitzo
TOSmoker: TweeD Mutha Fucka!
Tostitos: whatsyourfavoritecolor?
Uloc FAC: Bow B4 Me
Ultra Killer Instinct: NIN,Weed, Face,Anarchy,Face,AOL-DuH!
Ultimate Tosser: GOODBYE
Underachiever Tos: NoMoreLamersRome/LamerLess
Underachiever Fuck Room: Gifers SUCK!
UV Tosser: ReeSeS PieCeS
Vanquish: If not today, someday the whole world will bow down before PiXY’s knees
and serve him as a king, not a regular person but as a king.
Vanquish FAC 1: Dec 19, 1981
Vanquish FAC 2: PiXY is the best programmer in the world!
Vanquish FAC 3: PiXY Is the most ELiTe person
Vanquish FAC 4: PiXY RulEZ ALL!
Vanquish FAC 5: Im the best damn lamer on AOL
Vanqush elite PW: I am the astro creep a demolition style hell american freak yeah!
Vesa Tosser: Wu Wear
Vortex v1.0 b2: VorLeXiuS RuLeS Us ALL
Vortex Tosser: 6699 ENTER
W.P.I. Tosser: Try Again
WaaS HT TOSer: SiN turbo MB
WaaS HT v2,3 :tosser:ViTaS(AVITOS)
WaaS v3.3: ViTaS
WaaS Tos: j
Who ON Maker: WhO is YoU?
WoReZ 2.0 OH Pisher: (press space 16 times then )do
X-Men Screen Posters: MVW-92958-1201
X-treme: (click twice on 1, once on 2, once on 1 then sign on!)
X-treme: LooP
X-treme account generator: fake account
X-treme tosser & tos bot: america online
Ying’s FAC: beotch!
Ying elite version: yingizdabomb!!!
Zen’s Instatosser: Zen Rules (this is a fake program)
If ya have some Passwords that is not on da list
sent it to me!!!
Greets to the Dude howe done it before!!!
Send Da new Passwords and Proggienames to:
Yeahhh! I remember hunting down passwords for secret places in the programs (I believe AOpussy loaded up porn pics). I remember there was one program that had multiple passwords for different areas or features, and one of them was the archie bunker section or whatever…. haha good old times