RIP Brand0n

Detectives discover moonshine amid Murrells Inlet death investigation

MURRELLS INLET, SC (WMBF) – One man was confirmed deceased at a condo unit at the Royal Garden Resort, located off Waccamaw Drive North.

Detectives and special operations units responded to the scene at a condo unit in Murrells Inlet on Monday afternoon.

Brandon Tarlton, 40, of Murrells Inlet was found deceased at the condo. The autopsy revealed that he died of natural causes, according to Horry County Deputy Coroner Darris Fowler.

According to Chief Norman Knight with Murrells Inlet Garden City Fire Rescue, they originally responded to a cardiac arrest call and soon after entering the condo on the tenth floor, they called for back up.

Knight explains they found suspicious chemicals and cleared the 9th, 10th and 11th floors.

“The fire guys that went in there, they went in with detectors and stuff to see if there were any chemicals involved – any, you know, residual anything in there. Police have their guys up there taking pictures and the coroners up there.”

Investigators stayed on the scene to test material from a large container, or drum. It was later determined to be moonshine in the drum.

Neighbors watched as emergency responders worked to figure out if the chemical was hazardous.

“Hazardous materials waste baskets and stuff like that is what we watched them take in,” explained Clint Snuggs.

According to the County Coroners Office, there is no foul play detected.

A friend of the victim was on scene and told WMBF News the man lived in the resort by himself.

She also said Tarlton had heart problems.

North Waccamaw Drive from Calhoun Drive and Seabreeze Drive was closed, as well as Vista Drive while authorities conducted the investigation.



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