TCP\IP: A Mammoth Description


TCP\IP: A Mammoth Description By Ankit Fadia

TCP\IP or Transmission Control Protocol \ Internet Protocol is a stack or collection of various protocols. A
protocol is basically the commands or instructions using which two computers within a local network or the
Internet can exchange data or information and resources.

Transmission Control Protocol \ Internet Protocol or the TCP\IP was developed around the time of the
ARPAnet. It is also known as the Protocol Suite. It consists of various protocols but as the TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol) and the IP (Internet Protocol) are the most, well known of the suite of
protocols, the entire family or suite is called the TCP\IP suite.

The TCP\ IP Suite is a stacked suite with various layers stacked on each other, each layer looking after one
aspect of the data transfer. Data is transferred from one layer to the other. The Entire TCP\ IP suite can be
broken down into the below layers-:

IRC Hack

Hacking IRC – The Definitive Guide

Copyright 1996 Welcome to Hacking IRC- The Definitive Guide. The purpose of this page if you have not already guessed is to provide what I consider optimal methodology for hacking IRC channels. In addition, I provide some of the better channels to hack as well as fun things to do while “owning a channel.”


Section 1— Why Hack IRC?

Section 2–Requisite Tools

Section 3–What It Takes To Gain Control

Section 4–Link Looker(LL)

Section 5–Bots and Scripts

Section 6–Multi-Collide-Bot(MCB)

Section 7–Pre-Takeover Preparation

Section 8–Thing To Do ONce You “Own” the Channel

Section 9–Best Channels to Hack

Secret-Spilling Sources at Risk Following Cryptome Breach

Secret-Spilling Sources at Risk Following Cryptome Breach


Secret-spilling site Cryptome was hacked over the weekend, possibly exposing the identities of whistleblowers and other confidential sources, according to a hacker who contacted and claimed responsibility for the breach.

The hacker said two intruders from the group Kryogeniks breached the long-running site, where they gained access to a repository of secret files and correspondence. Among them, the hacker claimed, were the records of self-proclaimed WikiLeaks insiders who have been the source of several unconfirmed tips supposedly detailing internal WikiLeaks matters.

Adrian Lamo and FBI Cyber Squad computer scientist Russell Handorf

Adrian Lamo and FBI Cyber Squad computer scientist Russell Handorf

10/18/12 Update: 2006 posting at forum – where Russell Handorf still contributes using his “grey hat hacker” handle “satanklawz” – suggests he has been working for FBI three years earlier than his resume claims; Adrian Lamo admits being “friends” with Handorf but still won’t answer any real questions; Chet Uber offers to have Lamo “interview” me – Neal Rauhauser, who claims he has nothing to do with Project Vigilant, suggests I should accept offer – which I will, after they start giving serious answers to my serious questions first; Project Vigilant submitted bid for Voice Stress Analyzer request by BoP to detect if inmates are lying.

Highlights: At college, Russell Handorf used to illegally “sniff” networks for free web access; Decade ago, hosted Adrian Lamo website where he used to be known as “satanklawz”; Defended Lamo online in web forum postings; In 2003, wrote that fugitive Lamo’s enemies might DoS the NY Times, attack investigators; Provided details on web on how to access potential Comcast customers’ private info; Wrote “Fear Not: Hacks, Attacks and Cracks” column; After Philadelphia InfraGard Board of Directors gig, former “grey hat hacker” joined FBI in September of 2009.

[Editor’s Note: Before publishing this article I emailed both Russell Handorf and Adrian Lamo to ask them questions about their past and possibly present relationship, but neither one got back to me. I’ll gladly correct any errors or add comments if they change their minds. My last two articles provide more background on Adrian Lamo, Neal Rauhauser, Project Vigilant and the Bradley Manning case: Bradley Manning Facebook friend was a security and risk management expert and More members from secretive, oddball Project Vigilant group revealed. Article by Ron Brynaert]

The following screenshot was the front page for a website owned by a “Grey Hat hacker” who the FBI hired to be a computer scientist for its Philadelphia Cyber Squad in 2009:


AOL IP Addresses

AOL IP Addresses

IP stands for Internet Protocol address. Internet Sites and people who connect online have an IP address. An Internet Protocol address indentifies your online connection. There are two types of IP addresses: dynamic and static. Static IP addresses are alyways the same. People who do not sign on through the phone line and are alyways connected have a static IP. If you connect via a…

Mini Oblivion

AppName: Mini Oblivion
Versin: 0.1
Coder: Stan
Group: The Ratpack


Mini Oblivion is meant to be used for legal purposes only. Since it is beyond the author’s control of what Mini Oblivion is used for, the author of Mini Oblivion can not be held accountable for anything you do with this program.

–=About Mini Oblivion=–

Mini Oblivion is a RAT(Remote Administraton Tool) coded in C by Stan.

Netcat 1.10

Netcat 1.10

Netcat is a simple Unix utility which reads and writes data
across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol.
It is designed to be a reliable “back-end” tool that can
be used directly or easily driven by other programs and
scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network
debugging and exploration tool, since it can create almost
any kind of connection you would need and has several
interesting built-in capabilities. Netcat, or “nc” as the
actual program is named, should have been supplied long ago
as another one of those cryptic but standard Unix tools.

Sub 7 How To & Configuration [Doc]


– Sub 7 2.1.5 –
– coded by mobman –
_ ReaDMe/Tutorial _
– by FuX0reD –
[ ] ========================

In this tutorial I, FuX0reD, will try to do as much hand-holding and will
try to be as THOROUGH as possible, AND IT WILL BE IN PLAIN ENGLISH (for
those people who dont know, or dislike to speak in english). As easy as it
is to figure out, some people still end up screwin up somehow, and infecting
their own asses and end up being 0wned by some other llahmas, so try to
understand these features as well as possible If you have anything to add to
this tutorial or you find something I’ve missed, please email me at
{ }
Everyone’s Favorite Llahma and #SubSeven whore,
– FuX0reD

AOL security breach exposes personal info

America Online has confirmed that hackers have illegally compromised an undisclosed number of its member accounts by targeting key company employees with an email virus.   AOL spokesman Rich D'Amato declined to comment on how many accounts were affected or what kind of information was accessed by the perpetrators. He said the perpetrators gained access to the accounts when unsuspecting AOL staff downloaded virus-infected email…

Destiny Password Cracker [Read Me]

·- Destiny Password Cracker² By Faygo [full version] ·- For America Online 2.5 and 3.0 Destiny password cracker is in no doubt the best AOL password cracker ever to come about. It features just about everything and does practicly everything you can of. Destiny is the lazy man's password cracker, it does every damn thing for you. Ever worry about being caught for cracking or…