‘SUp people-Thanks For Choosing Har0’s BAS
‘This BAS IS FOR AOL3, AOL95, AOL4.0
‘Since i do not believe in copying CODES i made my own
‘I think that this bas KICKS ASS!
‘There is no doubt about it that this BAs the best
‘If you have any questions or comments
‘please E-mail me.
‘If your making an AOL 3.0 and 4.0 Prog use the
‘SendChat_3or4 Sub, It detects What AOL Version
‘you have and then sends to chat.
‘With my BAS you can make an IRC Bot, AOL Prog,
‘TOSer, Server, MMer, Punter Tons of Stuff!
‘For AOL 3.0, AOL 95 and AOL 4.0
‘Visit my Site To Get Progs/VB3/SOON VB5!/Real Audio/Codes For My BAs
‘Email Me at: Har0Cold@hotmail.com or If i still have this name-JIM91164@aol.com
‘This is Version 1.0 Of My BAS
‘ -Har0