PPN – Concepts of Echelon by Phonetap – November 07, 1999

PPN – Concepts of Echelon by Phonetap – November 07, 1999

The Phone Punx Network Presents
–Phone Punx Magazine–
—-Issue three—-
“We are the phony in telephony”
November 07, 1999
Last Updated: November 07, 1999
(Mirror: http://worship.to/ppn)


~Intro by Mohawk

~Beginners Guide to the DACS, Part One by BitError

~CallerID: Up close and Personal by hatredonalog

~DATUs – The Tool of the New Age Phreak: Part II by MMX

~Frequency Counters by Black Axe

~An Overview of Trunked Radio Systems by Black Axe

~A different newbie guide by Mohawk

~Notes on ANI by Suess

~Voice Over IP Surveillance with the TTC Fireberd 500 DNA.323 by Seuss

~Concepts of Echelon by Phonetap

~Cyberpunk culture by Mohawk


CNN – Feds leave doors open for hackers. – December 22, 1999

CNN – Feds leave doors open for hackers. – December 22, 1999

(IDG) -- After repeated break-ins through the same door, a shaken business owner likely would get the message and buy a sturdy lock, a big dog or a loud alarm. But many agencies have failed to follow such common sense. Repeated intrusions of federal World Wide Web sites reveal that agencies are not adequately training their IT sentries to take advantage of readily available systems…
Dallas Morning News – Hackers Expected to Test Computer Security. – December 29, 1999

Dallas Morning News – Hackers Expected to Test Computer Security. – December 29, 1999

Dec. 29 (The Dallas Morning News/KRTBN)--While Y2K wary Americans ring in the New Year with champagne and flashlights, computer hackers are set to celebrate with what security experts fear will be an unprecedented assault on computer systems across the globe. The potential assault, as described by hackers and federal law enforcement officials, is likely to include cybermischief as elemental as website defacement or the planting…


Name: Dan (AKA abbot) Age: 16 Location: Texas Hobbies: Skateboarding, Music, Hanging out with friends, Computers of course Programming: HTML, VB, Javascript, C++ Frequently Asked Questions How long have you been programming? Well, let's see. I started doing HTML about 2 years ago, and have taken some breaks in between, but have kept making web sites since then. That summer, I downloaded Visual Basic 4…

MR Tokens

The following numbers are MR tokens for use with AOL. If you have the right equipment (which many don’t), you can use these to go directly to a conference room. Some of these tokens lead to staff-only rooms, however, these can STILL be accessed by non-staff.

1    Town Hall

3    Classroom

4    The OGF Commons

5    Writers Workshop

6-8  Classroom

9    Geoworks Chat Room

10   Classroom

11   The Schoolroom

12   Chat Room

13   PC Multimedia

14   The Work Room

15   Educ Technology

16   PC Applications

17   PC Games

18   Questions n Answers

19   PC Graphics

20   The Dungeon

21   Cybersalon

22   Travel Cafe


Local Windows hacking for newbies

| |
| Your computer |
| is dead… |
| and it was so alive | Local Windows hacking for newbies
| _______ |
| |.—–.| | Written by MiggyX for the Black Sun Research Facility
| ||x . x|| |
| ||_.-._|| | Contact : miggyx@amicoders.demon.co.uk
| `–)-(–` |
| __[=== o]___ | Coming together is a beginning, Staying together is
| |:::::::::::|\ | progress, Working together is success!
| `-=========-`() |
| You shouldn’t have |
| installed: |
| |
| -= Win’95 =- |