97kb/sec? Slow down there Bo Duke, I remember the slow crawl from 300 baud up. And when it was take 20-25 minutes to download the average mp3, but sometimes some dumb ass would say “it only takes me 5 minutes and I have dial up, maybe it’s just your computer.” Maybe they were download 16kbps mp3s, they certainly are stupid enough to have.
And warez sites with archives split into 250 parts for easy downloading over dial up. Paint Shop Pro was not worth it.
97kb/sec? Slow down there Bo Duke, I remember the slow crawl from 300 baud up. And when it was take 20-25 minutes to download the average mp3, but sometimes some dumb ass would say “it only takes me 5 minutes and I have dial up, maybe it’s just your computer.” Maybe they were download 16kbps mp3s, they certainly are stupid enough to have.
And warez sites with archives split into 250 parts for easy downloading over dial up. Paint Shop Pro was not worth it.